The hydroelastic analysis fully coupled with nonlinear mooring-riser system has been achieved in order to provide both of dynamic motion responses and dynamic stress resultants at not only the deformable body but also the mooring-riser system in the random seas. The results include bi-directional interactions between the floating body’s deformation and nonlinear mooring-riser dynamics. The environmental loads can also include random impacts such as ice impacts, green water, and slamming. The developed methodology is fast and accurate, based on the combination of BEM and FEM without costly CFD or DNS. Taking advantage of the developed methodology, a rigid-assumed floating body can also have the fully distribution of stress resultants for the random seas as functions of time and space. Furthermore, the resultants of dynamic stresses would provide with more accurate fatigue life estimation.
A High-accuracy Dynamic Positioning System is achieved in order to achieve appreciably small watch circle for the purpose of the float-over offshore installation. Based on the station keeping program, CHARM3D/HARP, the DPS control scheme is integrated including Kalman filter, Optimum PD control, and Generalized thrust allocation. Furthermore, the developed DPS is combined with the mooring-riser system as DP-assisted mooring system.